Children in 2-4th grade can participate in the FIRST LEGO League Explore program where they will be introduced to the fundamentals of engineering. Teams are challenged to research a new scientific topic each year and present their research in the form of a team poster. Using LEGO bricks, students will also learn to design and code a LEGO robot to create a unique solution to a real-world problem. Teams culminate their season with an event where they share their robot and poster with the community.
Teams are made up of 2-6 students, ages 6-10 and 2 adult coaches. Time commitment generally 1-2 hours a week from October-February.
Learning scratch programming sparks interest in science and technology
Learning scratch programming sparks interest in science and technology
Introduces basic design skills through a hands-on approach with the familiarity and fun of LEGO building
Introduces basic design skills through a hands-on approach with the familiarity and fun of LEGO building